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How Can I Tell if I Need a New Roof?

For most homeowners it can be difficult to decide when it is time to replace their roof. In most cases, roofs deteriorate slowly over time and it can be hard to know when repairs are too costly and investing in a new roofing system is the smarter option.

new maryland roof

In some cases, the answer is obvious because of many damaged areas of the roof or an abundance of visible rot, but in most cases it’s not so apparent. So how can you tell if you need a new roof when you aren’t experiencing major leaks? Here are some helpful tips:


One of the easiest ways to know if it is about time to replace your roof is to simply consider its age. Different environmental factors may lead roofs to deteriorate faster or slower than others but overall, the age of your roof can give you a good idea of whether it needs to be replaced. In general, a shingled roof lasts around twenty years, so if yours is pushing 25, you probably need to replace it. Newer roofs may be able to get by with patches and fixes in specific areas, but older roofs need to be replaced.

If you are new to your home and don’t have any documentation on when the roof was installed, you might be able to learn about how old your roof is from your neighbors. In neighborhoods with homes that were built around the same time, your neighbors may begin replacing their roofs, and if they do, you’ll likely need to replace yours soon also.


Signs of wear can be helpful in determining if your roof needs to be replaced. Small patches of damage may be able to be repaired and replaced without a full roof replacement, but if you notice wear on the majority of the roof, you’ll likely need to replace the whole roofing system. Some signs of damage to look out for are curled and/or cracked shingles, bare shingles, and sun bleached shingles.

Environmental Damage

Growths like moss and algae can take a major toll on your roof. If you notice dark streaks and spots on your roof, you may have a major problem. While very small areas of discoloration can be fixed by a professional roofing company, large spots will often require a roof replacement. Additionally, major environmental damage from snow, ice, tree branches, and other natural elements may require you to replace the roof more urgently.

Get Help from the Maryland Roofing Experts

Knowing when to replace your roof can be tricky, but a professional roof installer can be a great resource to utilize. Our experts are able to inspect your roof and give you an honest opinion on whether or not it needs to be replaced. If you are in need of a Carroll County roofing company, we at Platinum Exteriors are here to help. Contact us to schedule a roofing inspection or estimate for replacement today.