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6 Reasons Your Roof Should Be Inspected This Year

roof that needs routine inspections

In general most people tend to forget that their roof requires general regular maintenance and inspections. We only think of fixing it when something goes wrong. Don’t wait until your roof is leaking and you need a repair, get it checked every year to catch issues before they turn into real costly problems.

By scheduling routine roof inspections you can extend the life of your roof by years. The National Roofing Contractors Association recommends all roofs to be inspected twice a year, once after the winter and once after the summer, the coldest and hottest times of the year. In addition, an inspection may be necessary after a major weather event, in Maryland we tend to see one of those about every other week.

If you needed just one more reason to call and get that inspection on the calendar- look no further- because here are 6 reasons why you should get your roof inspected this year.

1. Storm Damage

Maryland has experienced all sorts of extreme weather this year, from torrential downpours that caused major flooding, to golf ball sized hail, and a record breaking winter. All this weather combined with high winds, which we also have a lot of, make for a roof’s worst nightmare. We recommend having your roof checked following any bad storm, to prevent any further damage over time that was caused by the weather.

2. Contractor Damage

If you have had another contractor fixing vents, gutters, AC units, or something else on your roof recently, this is just another reason to have it inspected. When tradesmen are working on your roof they can sometimes fail to close mechanical panels or leave behind dangerous debris. Regular inspections also include cleaning and locating anything that should be removed from the roof to prevent further damage.

3. Aging

All roofs grow old, somewhere between the ages of 15 and 30, depending on your roof type, the material involved, and the craftsmanship, your roof could be reaching the end of its life. If you have an older roof, getting those yearly inspections is critical to extending the life of your roof and getting the most out it.

4. Warranty Repairs

If your roof is under warranty it is important to keep that warranty in good standing, which may mean regular inspections. A professional roof inspector can also identify issues and work with your warranty company to have repairs made at no cost to you. If you wait too long and a major problem occurs it could wind up not being included in the warranty and then you’ll pay out of pocket.

5. Cleaning

If your kids have been shooting darts, throwing balls and frisbee, and who knows what else up on the roof, fear not, the roof inspector will clean anything off the roof while there. This includes branches and other vegetation that has migrated to your roof. An inspection is generally affordable and having that cleaning is worth every penny.

6. Preventing Leaks

Leaks are hands down the worst roof issue you can come across and are what prompts many unscheduled inspections. Leaks should be checked out by a professional to discover the source and diagnose the problem. Whether serious or minor remember that most leaks can be prevented with yearly inspections to identify problem areas before they cause a leak.

At Platinum Exteriors our roof inspections include:

  • Locating missing or damaged shingles, planks, or sheets
  • Checking your flashing around the chimney and vent pipes
  • Evaluating any damage
  • Checking for missing nails and fasteners
  • Looking for signs of rust, moss, algae or similar damage
  • Inspecting attic for leaks
  • Noting state of gutters and downspouts
  • Assessing poor drainage
  • Removing roof debris

Contact us today for a free estimate on roof inspection in Maryland.