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Does My Home Siding Need to Be Replaced?

You may not think about it too much, but your home’s siding protects you and your family from Mother Nature and everything she can throw at you. From hot and cold temperatures to rain and snowstorms, your siding keeps you safe and comfortable. When was the last time you had your siding repaired or replaced by a professional siding contractor? At Platinum Exteriors, Inc., we’ve helped many Marylanders with their siding and wanted to outline a few reasons you should have your siding replaced.

does your siding need replaced

Every Material Has a Life

Many manufacturers like to claim that their vinyl siding will “last a life-time”, and while we certainly agree vinyl is the longest-lasting siding material, we disagree on the “life-time” part. No matter what material your siding is made of, over time it will degrade, even vinyl. Your siding will fade, warp, chip, and become generally weathered. Once this starts to happen, you’ll want to think about replacing it.

Check Your Siding Annually

We generally recommend that homeowners perform a check on their siding at least once a year, though performing the check multiple times a year cannot hurt. While performing this check, you need to be sure to check every inch of your home, as cracks can form anywhere, and even small cracks can greatly decrease your home’s energy efficiency. If you’re not comfortable performing the check yourself, you should get help from a professional home siding company.

Can My Siding Be Repaired

If you’ve only had the siding installed recently, or if the damage is only minor, then you may be able to have your siding repaired. However, if your siding is old or if the damage is too great, you’re probably better off replacing it. Can’t decide whether or not to repair or replace? You can always give us a call and let one of our knowledgeable experts help you out.

Get Some Help from a Professional Siding Company in Maryland

At Platinum Exteriors, Inc., we have years upon years of experience and have worked on homes both large and small. Whether you’re interested in some repair or replacement services, we’re here to help. Give us a call or get into contact with us today.  Our team of Maryland siding contractors is standing by, ready to help.